Saturday, July 7, 2007

Escuela Doninical y ministerio Janice

Janice y su "juego biblico" lo usa para que los ninios memorizen muchas Escrituras. Janice, Luz y Carmen son las maestras.

Rio en Manzanillo/07

Hermoso rio de Manzanillo en donde tuvimos bautizos. Junio/07

Casa de Cristo de Manzanillo

Este es el nuevo edificio que rentamos para congregarnos mientras esperamos lo del terreno. Dios esta aniadiendo mas y mas gente para Su Gloria. El Senior nos ha estado mandando pura gente con muchisimos problemas pero El se encarga de sanar sus vidas y sus familias.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

New radio team

The Lord has blessed us with a great work team for our radio program. It airs weekly during prime time on a secular station and free of charge! Gina takes calls from our listeners. Edi and Martita help me with the segment of Don Jacinto, the Mexican farmer that became a believer. The common folk love this character! Josecito and Karen, help me execute the story line for the children's portion. Janice creatively writes the children's dialogues based on a Bible story with comments. She is faithful in helping the two young DJ's practice their lines. All of us have fun and we get to send the Gospel message to thousands of radio listeners. Praise be to God!

Dios nos ha bendecido con un hermoso equipo de trabajo para el radio en Manzanillo, Col. Estamos en Radio Xtrema AM y La Poderosa AM.. Gina contesta el telefono para los que hablan, les toma el nombre y los invitamos a visitar Casa de Cristo. Les regalamos un CD de LOS RECUERDOS DE MARCO POLO, unas grabaciones que hicimos desde los 70's. Edi y Martita me ayudan con comentarios y preguntas y para el Segmento de Don Jacinto Creyente. Es un segmento con sabor a ranchero para llamar la atencion de la gente del campo. y Josecito y Karen me ayudan a hacer el Segmento de los NINIOS. Nos divertimos mucho y mandamos el mensaje del Evangelio a miles de personas...Gloria a Dios !!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Mi Cumpleanios/ My 64th Birthday

On May 18th, we celebrated my 64th birthday. Praise God for strength and health and for a beautiful church family to celebrate with. We had a water balloon toss and a delicious Mexican mole dish.

El 18 de Mayo cumpli 64 anios y mi esposa querida y algunos hermanos me celebraron. Gracias a Dios por la vida y la salud.

Nuevo Local para Casa de Cristo

Starting in June, we rented out an old restaurant in which to hold our church gatherings while we await for the government to grant us the land to build a church. Please help us pray for this to take place. Thank you.

We had a great special service and celebration for Father's Day.

En Junio rentamos un ex-restaurante para adorar en Casa de Cristo Manzanillo. Mientras, seguimos orando para que nos den el terreno de 1600 Mt2 para construir la Iglesia. Oren por nosotros. Gracias

Tuvimos un buen Servicio Especial para celebrar el dia del padre.


We celebrated the baptism of new brothers in Christ. This beautiful river has its source in the mountains of Colima, about 15 miles from Manzanillo. We worshiped, had fellowship and even swam, celebrating new life in Jesus and the great love of our Father.

Aqui mandamos una fotos de un gran evento...el bautizo de unos nuevos hermanos en Cristo. El rio nace en las montanias de Colima, como a a 15 millas de Manzanillo. Tuvimos un Servicio previo y luego al agua. Despues convivimos, comimos juntos y nadamos un rato. Gloria a Dios por Su gran Amor.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Radio Ministry

Radio Ministry. Karen ( 12 ) and Fernandito (9) help us with the Children's Segment. Gina,
( Karen's mother helps us answering the telephone). We have now a weekly radio program on Wednesdays. Pray for us as we reach thousands of listeners in the State of Colima.

More of Love never fails

We did a good job on the special "ROSCA" de Reyes on January 6th, a Mexican Holiday that celebrates the three wise men and when mexican children usually receive Christmas presents.

These children did not get any gifts for Christmas, but now they have the best Gift: Jesus and the whole family and love of Christ.

Amor convierte/Love never fails

Mauro and his family came to Christ after hearing the Gospel and after receiving some practical love and help. They had been cooking on logs in their patio for two years. We helped them set up gas in their house. They are now cooking better, attending our church and celebrating God's love. We had a special gathering on Jan 6th for a Mexican traditional holiday (below).

Mauro y su familia se convirtieron a Cristo gracias a Su Evangelio y un poco de Amor/misericordia.
Estuvieron cocinando por dos anios en lenia. Les ayudamos a poner gas en su casa y ahora ya cocinan mejor. Celebramos con ellos el dia de los Reyes con una pelicula de Jonas y partimos la rosca.. :)

Enjoying California with our children

In California with our children Elli, Josph, Julie, Diana, Joshua, Erick y Mell. Elli cumplio 26 !!

Ojo: Joshua y Diana's Wedding


Joseph and Elli en Cal. Celebrando la Vida y su Bautizo. Fue de gran bendicion.

Joseph's water baptism. Great blessing !!!!